Forward Controls JMW is the newest addition to our line of dedicated, high quality AR15/M16 tools. It is a combination wrench with a 3/4 wrench with a 0.23 thickness for the A2 compensator, and another 3/4 wrench with a 0.20 thickness for the Keymo, Key Micro mounts, such as our 6315KM, 6310KM, SOLGW’s NOX, and Dead Air’s flash suppressors, compensators and brakes. The 0.20 side is also suitable for use with other suppressor mounts that have thinner than A2 spec (0.23) flats.
JMW follows the well developed JCW (Joint Castle nut Wrench) form factor, it is a compact wrench designed to be used with a torque wrench (1/2 drive).
Most armorer’s wrenches have a rather thick 3/4 wrench for torquing the A2 compensator. While adequate for the A2 compensator, this presents an issue with muzzle devices with thinner than A2 spec flats, an armorer wrench’s 3/4 wrench often can’t find enough clearance, and is too thick for the flats which are sandwiched between the barrel and the muzzle device’s sound suppressor mounting interface. To make things more complicated, some muzzle alignment shims can be of slightly larger outer diameter than the barrel. A typical 3/4″ wrench often can’t be used to torque these muzzle devices.
JMW’s thinner side of the 3/4″ wrench has a thickness (0.20) designed for muzzle devices with thinner than A2 compensator spec flats, such as Dead Air’s Keymo, Key Micro suppressor mounts, and Surefire suppressor mounts. Billet machined in 4140, heat treated and black oxided, it has the recommended torque value (20 to 30 ft/lb) laser engraved.
JMW, like CBW (Combined Barrel nut Wrench) and JCW (Joint Castle nut Wrench) requires a torque wrench with 1/2″ drive.
JMW is another joint project between Arson Machines and Forward Controls Design. Proudly designed and made in the USA.
If your muzzle device had thread locker or Rocksett applied when it was installed, please take appropriate steps to neutralize/remove it before attempting to loosen it. Thread locker and Rocksett will do their job to prevent the muzzle device from loosening. If you possess the strength of God and start torquing it without neutralizing the adhesive first, it will damage the wrench or barrel.
Most suppressor mounts have the recommended torque value between 20 to 30 in·lbs. Use a torque wrench to impart the correct torque value, excessive torque will bend any wrench.
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